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It's fifty years that China and the African continent maintain diverse and varied economic relations.We therefore thought it necessary to pause a moment and analyze the background and out.

Despite the sharp slowdown in the global economy, trade relations between China and the continent have continued to grow.

In 2012 the total volume of Sino-African trade reached 198.49 billion US dollars, an increase of 19.3% over the previous year.

Despite the negative growth IMF forecasts for the global economy (2.9% in 2013 and 3.6% in 2014), the report on economic and trade relations between China and Africa in 2013 published by the Chinese Academy of cooperation economic and international trade under the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, highlights a strong momentum and vitality of economic and trade exchanges between the second world economy and Africa.

China is the largest trading partner in Africa since 2009 and the continent is also become an important source of Chinese imports.

According to the report, the value of Chinese exports to Africa reached 85.3 billion US dollars in 2012 and the value of China's imports from Africa is 113.2 billion US dollars.This represents, a China trade deficit with Africa to $ 27.9 billion.

Indeed, China's trade balance vis-à-vis Africa's deficit since 2008. This is explained by differences in their respective commercial structures.

Today, Africa is the fourth destination of Chinese investment .Up to the end of 2012, Chinese direct investment stocks to Africa increased to $ 21.7 billion américains.Soit, an annual increase of 38%.

In 2012, non-financial Chinese investment to African countries including South Africa, Angola and Zambia which are mainly distributed in the areas of mining, construction and Manufacturing experienced up 14.9% to 3.61 billion US dollars to the report.

Meanwhile, sales of building work completed case in Africa by Chinese companies has increased approximately 13% to 40.8 billion US dollars.This represents 35% of the total turnover of China's construction projects abroad.

Regarding the economic assistance given to Africa by China, the report notes the completion of 36 projects related to Chinese pilot agricultural center construction, hospitals and training schools throughout the whole of the African continent in 2012.As well as technical training 11,137 people specialized in different areas such as health, agriculture, information technology etc ...

-Frédéric Betta-Akwa


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