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'' How do we, as democratic societies that respect human rights, assure our collective protection and fight effectively against this form of intolerable violence? "

-Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra
Director of the African Centre
Studies and Research

For a little over a decade, the African continent is experiencing a resurgence of terrorist activities in its territories such as Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda ...

Due to the constant rise of inequality in Africa and the inability of our governments to face it, terrorist groups like: AQIM and Boko Haram MUJAO continue to commit atrocities in the regions they control in the name of self bidder claim political, economic or social.

With the fall of the Gaddafi regime these horrors cycles have seen increased and catchy almost destabilization of Mali. And at the same time, the proliferation of merchant of all kinds (weapons, drugs, cigarettes, taking hostage ...) in the Sahara, which has become the rear base of terrorist groups mentioned above.

Recent events observed in Kenya, Mali, Nigeria and Cameroon show that the situation is serious ... Increasingly, African populations from areas controlled by terrorist groups end up joining their barbaric ideals. Because very often subjected to extreme poverty conditions. And suffering from a near marginalization of the authorities in place.

The terrorist threat is not the case of the only states it directly affects. With the recent bombings in Paris terrorists have clearly proved that they could hit even the most advanced nations from their own territories. Multiple incursions of Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram in the area of The Far North Cameroon merely confirm.

Close cooperation between Africa, Europe and the USA is crucial to stem the expansion of these terrorist groups in Africa; which in time if nothing is done will prove to be a threat to world peace.This cooperation shouldn't be only millitary.But should integrate poverty reduction programs.For populations subjected to chronic despair are an important breeding ground for the rise of extremism.

African governments would benefit from pooling their strengths if they want to deal with an enemy that will stop at nothing to see them fall.

Above all, the fight against terrorism must not be a pretext for the propagation of abuses of all kinds ... For dictatorial governments often use these exceptional situations to silence the people and strengthen their omnipotent powers.

This regard,our modest contribution on terrorism in Africa.

Frédéric Betta-Akwa


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