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For nearly a year, sub-Saharan Africa faces an unparalleled spread of Ebola virus.

According to recent WHO figures, haemorrhagic fever have cost the lives of nearly 8,500 people.

According to calculations of the World Bank (WB), the combined GDP of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone could be cut by $ 359 million in 2014 and $ 809 million in 2015 if the epidemic is not contained. Economic growth then would drop this year by 11.7 percentage points in Liberia and Sierra Leone 8.9 points at the risk of plunging the two poorest countries in recession.

One of the key factors in the decline in growth in countries affected by Ebola is the fear of contagion .This last, causes an almost standstill if not, the stoppage of trade between the areas affected by the virus and their sub-regional and international partners. Thus, Senegal has banned the import of all fruit and vegetables from Guinea Conakry exporting the major part of their crops to the latter for cost-effectiveness issues.

This is not counting on the systematic health checks inflicted on people supposed to come in areas affected by haemorrhagic fever as they cross the border posts of neighboring states.

Overall, the epidemic of Ebola causes a general slowdown in African economies as prone to all kinds of fillings from Western countries.

By ripple effect, countries with high tourism potential such as Senegal and others will see the number of visitors decreased significantly. For, considered as risk areas. This would deprive them of a significant financial windfall for the realization of their annual budget targets.

It is also important to note that the countries affected by Ebola will have to make additional expenses that were not included in their initial budgets (health infrastructure, training of health personnel, awareness campaign ...) .This that proves once again, be a great obstacle to the achievement of the budgetary targets set earlier this year.

If the epidemic is not enraillée in the months and extends its spread to other countries of the respective subregions of the states affected by the virus, Africa could enter an unparalleled economic crisis. Once again, the fear factor would play a major role in this situation.Because, we know how foreign investors are likely to face such situations. The latter would not hesitate to repatriate much of their personal if they feel that the risks of contagion are too high. Which would lead consequently the shutdown of several large sites and simply, the contraction of SSA economies.

It is time that African authorities take the full measure of this health catastrophe. And they learn from them for potential crises venir.For long, the Ebola virus was considered the case of a few and not everyone's business.

It is imperative that African authorities pool their forces against such a threat. They could, for example, set up a special fund for research and the fight against Ebola virus.

Increased and the massive awareness campaigns among the population could be betting on foot in order to prevent future outbreaks.

Updating of training received by African health workers and the establishment of adequate sanitation infrastructure would be a major advantage in the fight against the spread of the virus in the future.

-Frédéric Betta-Akwa


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