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With the election of Emmanuel Macron as president of France, the perception of the world of this nation has changed completely. It blows an air of change in the air. Finally, it seems that everything is possible in a nation where success is not often very well understood. At least, it's governed by complex codes that do not want you to succeed too much or too fast. This election gives the impression that France will finally take on its full dimension as a nation and one of the main engines of Europe.
The age and dynamism of Emmanuel Macron would let us believe that France is a start-up with very high growth potential. And that in five years she would go to the "unicorn" stage.

We are not unaware that the concept of brand derives its value from its irrational/emotional aspect even if the brand is driven by the best product. In the person of Emmanuel Macron, France has found a weighty ambassador, that is, the physical materialization of his emotional values. The character Emmanuel Macron gives us the impression that he his able to motivate his troops (France) and take them to the moon. This was not an easy task for his predecessors who made a nation deeply ingrained in itself and its achievements

-Frédéric Betta-Akwa


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