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The name of the event itself is very revealing.
Cameroon has often returned the image of a nation that is not capable of organizing world-class sport competitions. The opposite has been proven with ''LE TOUR DE L'ESPOIR 2018'':

This competition consisted of four stages for fifteen mainly African teams; on a course of 417km. LE TOUR DE L'ESPOIR is one of six events on the International Cycling Union calendar counting for the U23 nations cup in 2018.

The brand Cameroon will be able to surf on the energy/aura of this international competition that it could organize without too much burden. In view of the stay that organizers and participants will have spent in our dear nation, we can hope for a '' word of mouth'' more than positive from them. And now counted them as valorous ambassadors of the Cameroon brand internationally.

Events, whether sporting or otherwise, are generally considered ''the armed arm of a brand''. We want to say that it is through an event that a brand becomes something physical, real, palpable. So easily understandable for his target. It is usually through events that a brand can best colonize the uncounscious of its target : We often speak of ''consumer experience''. It's also thanks to events that a brand collects the grievances of its consumers and adjusts its products/services.

In the case of Cameroon, LE TOUR DE L'ESPOIR is an unparalleled showcase. Especially at the dawn of the AFCON 2019 and the different polemics around it. If Cameroon where a publicly traded company, we would be tempted to say that it reassured the markets with the perfect organization of LE TOUR DE L'ESPOIR 2018. All this to say that the Cameroon brand is strengthened both sub-regionally and internationally.

-Frédéric Betta-Akwa


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