Entrepreneurial culture is not very inked in African customs. But with a continent with a higher growth rate than or equal to 5% for a little over a decade, and a young population that is growing and is expected to double by 2040, not counting on a unemployment among 15-25 that is out of control ... It is imperative that our states take the necessary measures so that finally see the light, a continent more inclined towards self-employment.And therefore more able to achieve all its economic and social objectives for fifty years to come ...
Through this article, we intend to outline solutions for the emergence of a continent more turned to the creation of wealth. So towards entrepreneurship.

- The Reform of our education systems.
Most of our education systems have become obsolete in the face of ever-changing job market. And because, different economic changes which our continent has faced over the past thirty years.
Our statements must rethink and put them to international standards. And above all, they should be able to produce the wealth creators that Africa needs so badly to fulfill his potential. This will happen by introducing art classes from kindergarten through the university curriculum. Which would, stimulating creativity in our future entrepreneurs.
It is fundamental to establish entrepreneurship courses in our universities and training schools for all segments combined in the first year. With the aim of giving rise entrepreneurial flame in our youth. And compare them to this very complex discipline.
It is paramount to establish business incubators in our universities and training schools. So that our future entrepreneurs have an idea of what awaits them on the ground as a young entrepreneur.
It is equally important that the contact with the new technologies of information and communication is done more and earlier in our potential entrepreneurs.From primary. And not, from the secondary as is the case at present in most African states.
- The Improvement of the business climate.
Our states must establish drastic policies against corruption. Which would attract FDI to these.
We should facilitate the business creation process across the continent and even harmonize. To be more precise, we should reduce the costs of starting a business as well as administrative delays and related thereto.
We would win, facilitate entrepreneurial transition from the informal to the formal sector. This, by reducing taxes and duties linked to the formal sector.
- Support for entrepreneurs.
It would be interesting example for our states to develop accompanying cells contractors in their various fields of activity. These organizations could give them advice in terms of human resources, marketing and finance. Which are the pillars for the sustainability and competitiveness of a company.
It would be wise to set up state funds for young entrepreneurs funding. The latter would work on the annual business plan competition organized basis within each state. And these funds would be used to fund the best projects.
-Frédéric Betta-Akwa
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