For nearly a year, sub-Saharan Africa faces an unparalleled spread of Ebola virus. According to recent WHO figures, haemorrhagic fever have cost the lives of nearly 8,500 people. According to calculations of the World Bank (WB), the combined GDP of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone could be cut by $ 359 million in 2014 and $ 809 million in 2015 if the epidemic is not contained. Economic growth then would drop this year by 11.7 percentage points in Liberia and Sierra Leone 8.9 points at the risk of plunging the two poorest countries in recession. One of the key factors in the decline in growth in countries affected by Ebola is the fear of contagion .This last, causes an almost standstill if not, the stoppage of trade between the areas affected by the virus and their sub-regional and international partners. Thus, Senegal has banned the import of all fruit and vegetables from Guinea Conakry exporting the major part of their crops to the latter for cost-effectiveness issues. Th...
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