Entrepreneurial culture is not very inked in African customs. But with a continent with a higher growth rate than or equal to 5% for a little over a decade, and a young population that is growing and is expected to double by 2040, not counting on a unemployment among 15-25 that is out of control ... It is imperative that our states take the necessary measures so that finally see the light, a continent more inclined towards self-employment.And therefore more able to achieve all its economic and social objectives for fifty years to come ... Through this article, we intend to outline solutions for the emergence of a continent more turned to the creation of wealth. So towards entrepreneurship. The Reform of our education systems. Most of our education systems have become obsolete in the face of ever-changing job market. And because, different economic changes which our continent has faced over the past thirty years. Our statements must rethink and put them to intern...
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