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Affichage des articles du 2017


With the election of Emmanuel Macron as president of France, the perception of the world of this nation has changed completely. It blows an air of change in the air. Finally, it seems that everything is possible in a nation where success is not often very well understood. At least, it's governed by complex codes that do not want you to succeed too much or too fast. This election gives the impression that France will finally take on its full dimension as a nation and one of the main engines of Europe. The age and dynamism of Emmanuel Macron would let us believe that France is a start-up with very high growth potential. And that in five years she would go to the "unicorn" stage. We are not unaware that the concept of brand derives its value from its irrational/emotional aspect even if the brand is driven by the best product. In the person of Emmanuel Macron, France has found a weighty ambassador, that is, the physical materialization of his emotional values. The char...


Avec l'élection d'Emmanuel Macron à la présidence de la France, la perception qu'avait le monde de cette nation a totalement changée. Il souffle comme un air de changement. On dirait enfin que tout est possible dans une nation ou le succès n'est pas souvent très bien compris. Du moins, il est régit par des codes complexes qui voudraient que l'on ne réussisse pas trop ou trop vite dirait-on. Cette élection donne l'impression que la France va enfin, prendre toute sa dimension en tant que nation et l'un des principales moteurs de l'Europe. L'age et le dynamisme d'Emmanuel Macron nous laisserait croire que la France est une start-up à très fort potentiel de croissance. Et que d'ici à cinq ans elle passerait au stade de "licorne". Nous sommes sans ignorer que la notion de marque tire sa valeur de son aspect irrationnel/émotionnel quand bien même,  la marque est portée par le meilleur produit qui soit. En la personne d'Emmanue...


Branding can be a complex exercise when operating in the banking industry. Generally, when a company doesn't offer a tangible product, the notion of brand for it is difficult to exercise.Why, because it is directly related to the person providing the service to the consumer. The concept of brand in the banking industry therefore requires two fundamental aspects more than in any other industry : Brand building  Brand integration   Why brand building on the one hand?  No matter what market you operate on, your products/services will not stand out if there is no emotional connection between your product/service and the consumer. The only entity that can create a direct link between the consumer's unconscious and the product you put on the market is the brand. Maybe we should start by defining what a brand is? After many reflections and consumer studies, we have put together a definition that is unique to the notion of brand. For us, a ...


La notion de marque peut s'avérer être un exercice complexe lorsque l'on opère dans l'industrie bancaire. Généralement, lorsqu'une entreprise ne propose pas de produit tangible,  la notion de marque  pour elle est difficile à exercer. Pourquoi, parce que cette dernière est directement rattachée à la personne qui pourvoie le service au consommateur. La notion de marque dans l'industrie bancaire nécessite donc,  deux aspects fondamentaux plus que dans toute autre industrie : La construction de marque  L'intégration de marque     Pourquoi la construction de marque d'une part ? Quelque soit  le marché sur le quel vous opérez, vos produits/services ne sauraient s'y démarquer s'il n'existe pas de lien émotionnel entre votre produit/service et le consommateur. La seule entité capable de créer un lien direct entre l'inconscient du consommateur et le produit que vous mettez sur le marché est la marque. Nous devrions peut-ê...


Flexibility is a major element for companies to adapt to changing market conditions. Companies that are generally not customer-oriented end up losing out when their needs or concerns change. The notion of innovation can prove to be something complex for companies of a certain size. Innovating or creating products or services that are on their time and compatible with the needs of consumers can be a rather complex task. Why that? The needs of consumers are constantly changing. And any company whishing to remain at the top of its financial form must be able to anticipate the needs of its customers. This therefore requires some risk-taking in terms of research and market testing. Innovation means failure. As much as the probability of a new product being accepted on the market is great, so much is its probability of being rejected equally great. It is difficult for business owners to consider the financial loss associated with innovation. Except, the competition in the business worl...


La flexibilité est un élément majeur pour les entreprises afin,  de pouvoir s'adapter à l'évolution du marché. Les entreprises qui ne sont généralement pas assez orientées client finissent par perdre le fil quand à l'évolution des besoins ou des préoccupations de ces derniers. La notion d'innovation peut s'avérer être quelque chose de complexe pour les entreprises d'une certaine taille. Innover ou encore créer des produits ou services en avancent sur leur temps et compatibles avec les besoins des consommateurs peut s'avérer être une tache assez complexe. Pourquoi cela? Les besoins des consommateurs évoluent sans cesse. Et toute entreprise souhaitant rester au sommet de sa forme financière doit pouvoir anticiper sur les besoins de sa clientèle. Cela nécessite donc,  une certaine prise de risque en termes de recherche et de teste sur le marché. Qui dit innovation dit aussi échec. Autant la probabilité pour un nouveau produit d’être accepté sur le marché...


In principle, the brand must be the main driver when it comes to a consumer to acquire a good or a service. How does the brand push for the purchase? Unlike a product X which has no value on any market, apart from the physical product itself or the service. A brand when it is supported by two pillars: The tangible aspect Who is the product or service. That's,  the raison d’être of the brand.      2. The intangible aspect  What are the values, the ideals by which the product is carried in time and space. And which effect of emotional connection with the consumer. As  well as,  demarcation factor in the market. Indeed, for a brand pushes a consumer to purchase, it must write a message in the subconscious of the latter. The unconscious which is reputed to be the seat of desires and passions according to Dr Freud. And that also seems to be the dark area of the human personality. Area in which, are repressed all the aspec...


En principe, la marque doit être le moteur principal lorsqu'il s'agit pour un consommateur d'acquérir un bien ou un service. Comment la marque pousse t-elle à l'acte d'achat?   A la différence d'un produit X qui n'a aucune valeur sur un marché quel qu'il soit, mis à part le produit physique en lui même ou le service. Une marque quand à elle est soutenue  par deux piliers: L'aspect tangible Qui est le produit ou le service. C'est à dire,  la raison d’être de la marque.     2. L'aspect intangible Que sont les valeurs, les idéaux par lesquels le produit est porté dans le temps et dans l'espace. Et qui font effet de lien émotionnel avec le consommateur. Ainsi que,  de facteur de démarcation sur le marché. En effet, pour qu'une marque pousse un consommateur à l'achat, celle-ci doit inscrire un message dans l'inconscient de ce dernier. L'inconscient qui est reputé pour être le siège des désirs et de...


Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically.No one controls it.Bitcoins aren't printed, like dollars or euros-they are produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems. It's the first example of a growing category of money known as cryptocurrency. Why bother using it? True to its origins as an open, decentralized currency, bitcoin is meant to be a quicker,cheaper and more reliable form of payment than money tied to individual countries.In addition, it's the only form of money users can theoretically ''mine themselves, if they (and their computers) have the ability. But even for those who don't  discover using their own high-powered computers,anyone can buy and sell bitcoins, typically through online exchanges like Coinbase and LocalBitcoins. A 2015 survey showed bitcoin users tend to be overwhelmingly white and male, but of var...


If you haven't heard about the smart city phenomenon yet, you will soon, if IHS Technology's report  about potential smart city growth proves accurate.The smart city trend is evolving quickly from one off-projects impacting single-function applications, such as street lighting or traffic flow, to large-scale, municipal capital investments integrating multiple city services and departments. IHS expect the number of  smart cities worldwide to quadruple within a 12-year period spanning from 2013 to 2025.Under IHS' definition, there will be at least 88 smart cities globally by 2025, up from 21 in 2013.Annual investment on smart city projects, which reached slightly more than one billion Dollar in 2013, is predicted to surpass twelve billion Dollar in 2025. Smart city definition vary, but IHS thinks of smart cities as those that have deployed-or are piloting-the integration of information, communications and technology (ICT) solutions across three or more different funct...


As computers began to appear in offices and robots on factory floors,President Jhon F. Kennedy declared that the major domestic challenge of the 1960s was to ''maintain full employment at a time when re placing men.'' In a column in the Guardian, stephen Hawking wrote ''that the automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining''. He adds his voice to a growing chorus of experts concerned about the effects that technology will have on workforce in the coming years an decades.The fear is that while artificial intelligence will bring radical increases in efficiency in industry, for ordinary people this will translate into unemployment and uncertainty, as their human jobs are replaced by machines. A report put out in February...