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Without water, neither small businesses nor major global industries can function.Not family farms or major agrinusinesses.Not energy production facilities or computer manufacturer or steel companies.Similarly, poor water quality, or limited or unreliable access to water means higher costs for all businesses - and all consumers. Water scarcity means greater risks for community's long-term viability and a negative impact on their competitiveness.It also means that a comunity's ability to grow and create jobs is at risk.Regardless of whether water has become the new oil, one thing is certain: water is ironically both  taken for granted and serves as the engine of our economy.If not proparly managed, water scarcity will directly affect the local ability to grow and create jobs. Here are five consequences, of water scarcity: Increased global conflict Fresh water resources   are often   shared by   two or more countries which may lead to more international confli...


Temperature rise due to climate change may radically damage the global economy and slow growth in the coming decades if nothing is done to slow the pace of warming, according to new research. The researchers behind the study, published in the journal Nature, found that temperature change due to unmitigated global warming will leave global GDP per capita 23% lower in 2100 than it would be without any warming. '' We are basically throwing away money by not addressing the issue,'' said Marshall Burke, an assistant professor at Stanford University. '' We see our study as providing an estimate of the benefits of reducing emissions.'' Their conclusions delivers two blockbusters.First, in contrast to past studies, they argue that 21st century warming could lead to huge global-scale macroeconomic impacts. The best estimate from Burke and colleagues is that business as usual emission throughout the 21st century will decrease GDP per capita by 23% below w...


With the arrival and use of increasingly massive social networks by 15-40years Saharan Africa, it is essential to ask the question, if the digital communication is adapted to the African market. Who said digital communication, said Internet as their primary means of communication. The penetration rate of internet sub-Saharan Africa is it high enough so that the growing craze observed, communication and marketing agencies for digital communication? According to studies conducted in the field, only 9.4% of households in sub-Saharan Africa have access to the Internet in May 2015. The share of consumers in sub-Saharan Africa with access to internet remains low. It can not be an efficient digital communication without a minimum rate of Internet penetration of around 35-40% of the target population. So we would be tempted to think that the majority of advertising agencies and marketing sub-Saharan Africa using digital as their new playground, are in the followership. Do no...


Avec l’arrivée et l’utilisation de plus en plus massive des réseaux sociaux par les 15-40ans en Afrique subsaharienne, il est capital de se poser la question de savoir, si la communication digitale est adaptée au marché Africain. Qui dit communication digitale, dit internet comme principal moyen de communication. Le taux de pénétration d’internet en Afrique subsaharienne est-il suffisamment élevé, pour que l’on observe un engouement  grandissant,  des agences de communication et de marketing  pour la communication digitale ? Selon des études menées sur le terrain, seulement 9,4% des ménages en Afrique subsaharienne ont accès à internet en mai 2015.  La part des consommateurs en Afrique subsaharienne ayant accès à internet reste très faible. Il ne saurait y avoir une communication digitale efficiente,  sans un taux minimum  de pénétration internet avoisinant les 35-40% de la population visée. Nous serions donc, tentés de penser...


"There is a  growing gap between those who are able to easily connect to the  world march ; and those who remain  out of it. For these, a large number of social, economic and  political opportunities  are inaccessible" -Mark Graham Africans  are among the least connected to the Internet in the world, according to a  map made  by two researchers at the university of Oxford in the UK.   Ralph  Straumann and Mark Graham identified on a world map all the most  disconnected  countries worldwide Internet using data from the World Bank  Development Indicators  2013 and those of Natural Earth.   This map   highlights the   most areas  that are hardly connected to the internet and by extension that are" largely  kept away from participation in cultu...


« Il y a un fossé croissant entre ceux qui sont capables de connecter facilement sur le marche mondiale; et ceux qui restent hors de lui. Pour ceux-ci, un grand nombre d’opportunités sociales, économiques et politiques sont inaccessibles ». -Mark Graham Les Africains sont parmi les moins connectés   à internet dans le monde, selon une carte réalisée   par deux chercheurs de l’université d’Oxford au Royaume Uni. Ralph Straumann et Mark Graham ont recensé sur une mappemonde tous les pays du monde les plus déconnectés d’internet grâce aux données des indicateurs de développement de la Banque Mondiale de 2013 et celles de Natural Earth. Cette carte met en relief la plupart   des régions qui ne sont quasiment pas connectées à internet et par ricochet qui sont ` «  largement tenues   a l`écart de la participation aux activités   culturelles, éducatives, politiques, et économiques » que cet outil accompagne. Selon l’étud...


In recent years, we see an increase in e.commerce sites in Africa.These online trading  platforms, are intended as intermediaries between producers of goods of all kinds and potential buyers. Is it possible in such an environment  as ours, to offer consumers buy goods online while they have a habit of practicing lengthy negotiations with vendors to whom they have to do. For most Africans, the human relationship is something  fundamental in business practice.For them there is no way to acquire property without meeting the offeror.The meeting between the supplyer of good and the potential  buyer, is now crowned by long discussions in which protagonist tries to take advantage of the situation. On the other hand, buying goods online requires a certain level of education and regular  access to the internet.Out, ICTs have not yet been booming in SSA.Except in large cities where a certain segment of the population called ''middle class'' begins to emerge and ...


Depuis quelques années, nous observons une recrudescence des sites de e-commerce en Afrique subsaharienne. Ces plateformes de commerce en ligne se veulent,  des intermédiaires entre les producteurs de bien en tout genre et les potentiels acheteurs. Serait-il possible dans un environnement tel que le notre, de proposer aux consommateurs d'acheter des biens en lignes? Sachant que , ces derniers ont pour habitude de pratiquer de longues négociations avec les vendeurs auxquels ils ont à faire. Pour la majeur partie des Africains, le rapport humain est quelque chose de fondamental dans la pratique des affaires. Pour eux, il est hors de question d'acquérir un bien sans en rencontrer l'offreur. La rencontre entre l'offreur du bien et le potentiel acheteur, est un moment couronné par de longues discussions au cours desquelles, chaque protagoniste essaie de tirer avantage de la situation. D'autre part, l'achat de bien en ligne nécessite un certain niveau d...